Monday, October 12, 2009

Sounds like LIFE to me...

This last week and a half has been filled with ... well, I don't really even know what to call it.
Chaos.. sadness... hope... laughs... frustration.. dirt... and kids

This adorable little angel is Mr. Anthony... a child that I would LOVE to adopt... 
His mother is going through some difficulties in life and so this little man is currently staying with 
a friend of mine... but I would love to make him mine.
He looks just like my munchkin did at that age... and he's such a sweet kid that deserves so much
better than he's been given in life so far... 

So the week started with some sad family news that I won't discuss in order to avoid the guaranteed tears that would come from it... 
Then we stumbled upon Anthony's situation and dove right in to help out.... 
There has been ZERO cleaning done in over a week.... and the 2 terror dogs are continuing to tear things apart.. apparently they're under the impression I enjoying cleaning up their disasters.

Upon finding this adorable new apron from Drew, we decided baking was in order... 
A friend of mine was in town from Virginia for the weekend so that required a trip to the dreaded AV to stay at my sisters and visit the friend's family... 

After sitting in traffic for 3 hours, we make it to the AV just in time to watch the last 10 minutes of my nephews baseball game, then head over to my sisters.... 

When my 2 nephews and my son get together there is always tons of fun... yelling and some tears.. 
The boys showed off their costumes... but some how bad Auntie only managed to get pictures of my little man dressed up in some gladiator armor... 

The next morning we took the kids to Lowe's to build a little project... that didn't take nearly long enough... so with the extra time I squeezed in a very unnecessary trip to Target... 
We went back home and let the kids be kids and play outside for a few hours while Sis and I took a much needed nap....
And that night I finally got to see my bestest old friend Ms. Tem.... (how I forgot to take any pictures of her and I is beyond me...)

Sunday morning we went out to Vasquez Rocks... one of the munchkin's favorite places on earth....

We did some rock climbing.... and by that I mean the kids climbed, I whined and complained about the weather and the fact that I was doing something physical, and my mom, sister's husband, and the kids uncle tried to keep up with the kids and make sure they didn't tumble off a cliff... 

***I am an EXTREMELY protective mom... so you can imagine how crazy I was while the munchkin is running around climbing everything in sight without the slightest bit of fear.. I swear he was on a mission to give me a heart attack... 

After the horrendous Rock Climbing adventure... we ended up at a pumpkin patch (after much begging from Sis)... 
So we wandered through pumpkins.... strolled through the corn maze.... ate some junk food ... 
and checked out the scarecrows... 

And then finally, once Sis had satisfied her need to experience Fall, Drew and I were allowed to go home... 

It was a good end to an eventful week.... I was exhausted.. but the munchkin had a great time and I got to see my crazy nephews that I don't see nearly as much as I'd like to... 

Now let's see what we can get into this week.... 
who knows, something might actually get cleaned in the house.... but I won't hold my breath


  1. Whew...busy busy! I'm am tired just reading about it! The pumpkin patch looks fun, I am hoping we can make a trip to our local pumpkin patch real soon!

    Have a good week.

  2. sounds like a great weekend!! :)
    you are one busy lady!
    sorry to hear about the sad news in your life, i hope things get better soon. thoughts are with you!

  3. Crap! You're right! Hopefully he's a bigger idiot than I am and will forget the whole $10 incident.



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