Friday, May 28, 2010

The "What If" Lady

That's officially my new other name... Besides Drew's Mom.. which is my favorite name ever...

Last night I was looking through some of the stuff that's going to go back into my room after the remodel is done, and I was wondering how I've accumulated so much.... STUFF.. 

and I came to the conclusion that I am the "What If" lady. 
I buy things simply because... What if?

-What if I need a sweater tonight and I don't have one in the car? (stop by Target and buy a new one)

-What if I might go somewhere fancy one day? (buy that adorable dress... even though I hate dresses)

-What if I decide to travel one day? (buy those books on England and Egypt..)

The list goes on and on..... 

and not only when it comes to buying stuff. 

-Usually Drew and I each have an extra change of clothes in the trunk of the car because... What If?

-In my purse you will find children's tylenol, children's cough medicine, band aids, and fruit snacks because... What If?

-The only reason I got a credit card was because.... WHAT IF? (now that one is probably actually pretty practical.. except it's used on some of the above "what if" non-emergency purchases too... )

And then there's the mental and emotional "What Ifs" in my life.... 

-Don't date, because what if Drew gets attached and things don't work out?

-Never become financially dependent upon anyone else because what if something happens and they can't support you?

-Don't have another baby because what if Drew gets jealous and doesn't want a sibling?

What if is EXHAUSTING.... but it's seriously the story of my life... 

Part of me thinks that "What if" is practical.. it's being responsible and being prepared... 
but then the other part thinks I'm freaking paranoid... of practically everything. 

Who knows.... 
Maybe while I'm laying on the beach all weekend I'll take some time to try to figure it out... 

But what if I get eaten by a shark?  =)

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