Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Angels, Butterflies and a Bed Hog

This weekend little man and I went to yet another Angel game... We do enjoy going to these games (even though they lost this one) but I'm at the point where I think I've had enough baseball for one year... oh wait, Drew starts little league again next month.... Great!

We also took a looong over-due trip to the LA Museum of Natural History over the weekend. Just getting into the place was a little adventure (got distracted by a nature walk and the California Science Center). We had a good time looking at all the animals.
We checked out the dinosaur bones, the lions, bears and insects. They had a room that only had the skeleton of a HUGE whale and they played whale noises in the background. I thought it was kinda cool.... Drew however, was kinda freaked out. He has a thing with loud noises.... or weird noises.

We also visited their butterfly garden which was really pretty neat. Drew's class last year spent some time studying butterflies and had a few in their classroom that they got to release, so it was pretty cool for him to see all of these butterflies. As soon as we walked in the garden, an employee instructs us not to touch the plants or the butterflies. Drew was a bit disappointed... so he says to the lady "well are they allowed to touch US?".... She laughed and said yes. This kid was determined to touch a butterfly. If he had it his way he would have caught them all and brought them home. 
Drew had every intention of sitting on this bench in the garden until a butterfly landed on him.... but my stomach was growling and I was starving... so we went to lunch without touching a butterfly.

The museum was a lot larger than I expected (3 floors) and Drew is not a fan of walking AT ALL... so after lunch we left, without ever making it to the 3rd floor. Guess we'll just have to take another trip out there. And maybe he'll get to touch a butterfly. 
And this is my little bed hog... all bundled up in his cocoon. Our Cal-King size bed is not nearly big enough for the both of us.... this morning I woke up to his feet under my pillow, his head next to my knees, and both of us squished to the very edge of MY side of the bed.... while about 4 feet of space was left empty on HIS side..... Might just be time to move the munchkin into his own bed so I can actually get some sleep!! But isn't he adorable =)

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