Thursday, May 5, 2011

Severe Lack of Motivation

I've never been a cleaner. Ever. 
Cleaning is just not my thing. I don't like to do it and I'm honestly not very good at it.

Our house is not filthy. But it's also no where near immaculate. While I do have a bit of "Hoarder" in me.... I do manage to keep our home semi-decent. 

I will avoid cleaning at all costs. When there is absolutely nothing going on at home, I will either make an excuse to go out (shopping, lunch) or just go to bed... anything to avoid cleaning.

For example: Last night I was home alone. Got home from work at 4:30. Changed right into my comfy sweats and laid on the couch, remote in hand. Left to grab dinner at 5:30. Came home and climbed right back on to the couch. In bed at 8:00. 

There were dishes and dusting to be done. The floors are ALWAYS in need of a good sweeping and mopping. Seen a few cobwebs around lately. That stack of random papers on the kitchen counter is ever-growing. 

But I didn't do a single thing. I had ZERO desire. None. 

I would absolutely LOVE to have a clean house 24/7. That would just be freaking fantastic!! I just refuse to be the person who gets it clean. 

Cleaning is SOOOOOO boring. There isn't one single thing about cleaning that I find enjoyable. 

How does everyone else motivate themselves to clean??

And then there's the exercise dilemma. 

This is probably the only thing I dread more than cleaning. (Yes, basically I am the laziest person EVER. Feel free to mail me my trophy.)

I've never been a health conscious person. Chocolate and ice cream have their own food groups in my house. 

I've also never been concerned with my weight. Ever since giving birth I've been over weight. But not morbidly obese or anything, so it's never been a concern. Could I afford to lose 30 pounds? Absolutely. Do I have the slightest desire to do the work it would take to even lose 5 pounds? Not a chance. 

Playing football or basketball with my son is the ONLY form of exercise my body gets. And that's because it's simply me playing with my kid... not running on a treadmill or doing push ups. 

But lately I've noticed my jeans getting tighter.. again. Normally this isn't a big deal, just go buy bigger jeans. But this time it's different... not sure why, it just feels different. 

So the desire to lose a few pounds.. maybe 10... is there. But the motivation is non-existent. All those hours I spent laying on the couch last night could have been better spent. I just couldn't do it. 

What motivates the rest of the exercise-crazed world to get off their lazy butts and do something?

So until I'm able to find some motivation, I'll be sitting on the couch... eating ice cream. 


  1. Well I'm certainly with you on the cleaning thing.. wish I had the money for a maid, now THAT would be nice! Or maybe wish the boy enjoyed cleaning more than me. As it is, we do just enough to get by. The furbabies don't exactly help the situation. As for the exercise, I don't really enjoy the PRE workout motivation but I always feel better after I'm done, so I just have to play games with myself to GET Myself there..

  2. I know what you mean about the cleaning thing.

    Sometimes I just don't have the strength.

  3. Could I lose 40 lbs? Yip.

    Will I do it even to look a bit better in my wedding dress? Nope.

    It's just not that important to me.

    And effective today I resigned as the laundrymat for my house. I am teaching the boys how to wash their own laundry from here on out.

    Once they get over the shock, I'm going to assign them a room of the house that it is their responsibility to keep clean. Period.

    Motherhood does not = housekeeper.

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

  4. I really wish I could ease up on the cleaning. I'm looking for a balance. I know my kids could care less if the house is clean or not. But I am just over the top. I think you just clean when you feel you should. Relax and have fun...the house will be there when you are ready to clean. Now if I could do what I just said. ;)


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