Thursday, October 22, 2009

6 years...

Yesterday was my baby's birthday . . .

My little man is officially 6. . . .

This years birthday was different for us in a few ways. . . .

Due to the severe lack of funds in our house, we won't be having a traditional "party". . .

Instead we took cupcakes to daycare on Tuesday for a "party" there. . . 

And yesterday I woke my baby up at exactly 6:26am (the time he FINALLY came into this world) and he ate a birthday doughnut in bed. . .

I took the day off and spent the day in his classroom with him, also taking cupcakes for a little
 "party" there. . . 

Unfortunately I had to share the day with his dad, so after school I dropped him off there. . . 
(and you can only begin to imagine what a miserable night I had without my little man on his birthday)

And tomorrow night we will celebrate his birthday with a couple of his friends and their mom's at Chuck E. Cheese. . . 

Drew... I want to thank you for giving Mommy the best six years of my life... 
I was on this earth 21 years before giving birth to you, but not a single second of life before you even matters. My life began on October 21, 2003 at 6:26 am in that hospital room in Fullerton, when the placed my 7 lb. 6 oz. incredibly amazing baby boy into my arms...

You are my Son.. my moon.. and my stars... and I am so proud of the wonderful person you are becoming. You have Mommy's attitude and eyes... and you completely have my heart.

I love you my son... Happy Birthday baby boy...


  1. what a cutie pie!!! sounds like a fabulous celebration for your little man :)

  2. What a cute little man you have! Don't they grow up so fast?!


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