Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Moody Booty

Apparently I'm in a bit of a "mood".... and didn't even realize it until today. 
I just noticed that it's been over a week since I posted anything even though I'm on here every day reading everyone else's blogs...
It's not for lack of things to post... with Drew and I there is always something going on... and last week was a VERY busy week for us.
We had my birthday, the last week of baseball games, my cousins graduation and my sister came to visit. But I've been in a "Me Mood"... I don't want to share... I want to keep my happy little life to my self.. yep, I am a selfish one... 

But this is a mellow week... the only thing we actually have scheduled is to watch the NBA finals... that's it... oh, and closing ceremonies for baseball on Saturday... So maybe soon I'll get over the mood and post some pictures from my birthday at Disneyland... or share some stories of the crazy night with my sister.... 

Hope all is well with the rest of the world.... 

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad. Sometimes I get in a mood where I either don't feel like posting, have to much going on, or am to tired! Have a good week!


Thanks for stopping by!!