Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Storm of 2010

2010 has started off as a storm... 

First, there's the fact that there's actually been a few real storms here in typically sunny California...

Then there's the "Life Storm" that occurred....
and still hasn't fully gone away. 

I am not a fan of storms. I'm not a fan of rain AT ALL real or metaphorical.
2010 has brought some thunder... and not the good kind, boy do I miss the good kind some days..

I seem to have lost control in this storm... 
I'm a mom... a single mom... so I am used to having complete control 24/7/365...

Maybe 'Lost' isn't exactly the correct word for it.. 
The control has actually been taken from me... by horrible force...

This storm is draining me... 
physically, mentally and emotionally...

As much as I hate this stormy weather here in So. Cal.... it does seem to fit my life for the moment.

But just like every storm... the rain must come to an end...

and at the end of the rain, there is always a rainbow. 
Lucky for me, I get to hug and kiss my personal little rainbow on a daily basis...

This storm sucks... the real one and the metaphoric one... 
But my rainbow gives me a me hope..and more determination than any storm could ever possibly posses. 

There's no storm in the world that is stronger than the determination and undying love and devotion of a mother. 

Good luck storm... cause this Mama is just getting started at fighting back. 

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by!!