Friday, September 18, 2009

Football Season is Here

Well it's finally here... and I must say that I am not a huge fan of football. I can enjoy a great football get together, LOVE our family tradition of watching Super Bowl at Molles Manor, and of course I love the food that goes along with all the sports stuff... but it's not something I HAVE to watch every week, I don't have a favorite team and there's no way in the world I'll ever get into Fantasy Football. Anyways, the munchkin may only be five and he doesn't know much about the game either, but he sure does have a favorite team... Daddy's team...

The Dolphins. So last night while we're out trying to find fabric for the aprons Mom's gonna make us, we stumbled upon the Dolphin fleece. Naturally he had to have it.... and who can say no to that adorable little munchkin face? Certainly not me (just look at my bank account). Drew was all excited about making his blanket that night... until the actual work began. This little boy is such a drama queen. The entire time of making the "had to have" blanket, he was complaining that his hands hurt and he was tired. But after it was all done he was very pleased with his new creation and can't wait to take it to Dad's to show it off.


  1. Be sure to come by tonight around 9pm (Eastern time) for the announcement so you don't miss out. I promise-it good-really really good.
    Its So Very Cheri

  2. Thanks for coming by and visiting! You have a cutie on your hands there!


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