Thursday, May 20, 2010

Letters To Me...

Last September I wrote a letter to my past selves.... just a few notes of things I would tell my younger self if I had the chance.. It was a good way for me to reflect.. and I hope to continue it every few years or so..

To the six year old care free wonder....

Be nicer to your big sis. You need her forever more than you can imagine. Believe it or not there will be more to this world than just dolls and chocolate chip cookies. Enjoy every second with your cousins at Molles Manor... those summers and holidays end sooner than you're ready for. In first grade you'll meet a boy who's birthday is the day before yours, he's a good kid, with a great heart ... try to stay in touch with him forever, the grown-up him could really use a friend like you. That move to Palmdale changes everything (still not sure if it was a good thing or not). Mom might not be telling you, but please BRUSH YOUR TEETH and floss!!

To the ten year old fearless wonder.....

Don't even think of touching a cigarette. Leave sis alone when she has "boyfriends" around, you're turn is coming sooner than we're ready for. It sure is fun not to have anyone around to make rules since mom works so much; but maybe you should ask her to stick around more often. Take good care of your teeth!! You make the right choice in not getting attached to mom's next boyfriend, that one won't last too long. Enjoy the few times you're allowed to hang out with Tom, he won't live much longer. You're about to meet a friend you'll have for years to come... stick to this one like glue, she's a keeper.

To the thirteen year old woman...

Oh wow... not sure where all the anger comes from, but please try to tone it down. There is no need for such a massive attitude in such a young child. When you look in a mirror, please remind yourself that you're only 13... not 30. Right now there's a boy that means the world to you. You're about to have some issues, cause some headaches, deal with drama, and countless tears... some of this situation sucks, but I still wouldn't advise you to change a thing. You're going to make some huge decisions this year... take a deep breath and go for it. Mom's going to be extremely hurt, but this is what you need. Don't skip your 8th grade graduation. Watching your friends graduate instead of walking with your class wasn't the smartest idea. Oh, and on that one random day, leave a few minutes earlier when walking home through that field alone.. that scary situation haunts you for a long time. This is the year the bricks are being laid around your heart. Maybe you shouldn't work so hard and fast on building that wall.

To the sixteen year old cheerleader....

Are you sure you're not 21 already? You're heart belongs to the most genuine boy you'll ever meet in your life, DO NOT HURT HIM!! Try your hardest not to be so selfish. Enjoy every second of high school. Sex is never the answer. There is SO MUCH more to high school than boys.... I promise. Keep brushing your teeth.. and floss!! There is no need for you to involve your self with other people's boyfriends. Your best friends boyfriend has already made his way into your life... this is a tough one because you're gonna hurt a girl who's been an INCREDIBLE friend, it sucks, but I assure you, keeping him around is one of the best things you'll ever do. That wall you've built around your heart is so incredibly high by this point.

To the nineteen year old ball of confusion...

He really is gone this time... LET HIM GO. The true love of your life is just around the corner. You're occasionally going to second guess all the drinking and partying like a rockstar.... Don't. Just enjoy it to the fullest. This will be one of the great years in your life that you'll always remember. This new one's heart does belong to someone else... take caution... there are tears to come, but I wouldn't change anything with him.. except maybe you should make him buy his own lunch once in awhile. Appreciate every second with your incredible little nephew. This little boy is going to teach you some valuable lessons. He needs you so much right now... and so does your sister.

To the twenty-one year old mother....

Congratulations. This is now officially the greatest year in your life (and so far, nothing else has topped it). There's not much I can say about this time... you did good.. real good. Try to be a little more patient with George.. remember, he's new at this too. Thank your sister... once again she's the rock that gets you through your own chaos. The day that little man is born, that wall around your heart instantly grows 20 feet taller and about 5 feet thicker... a lot of people will question it, but keep it up. Don't listen to anyone when it comes to your son... hold that baby as much as you want.. stick to your own rules.. there's no such thing as over-protective as a mother. Watch his little ears... get the tubes put in his ears ASAP. Please start saving money... seriously!

To the twenty-five year old Drew's Mom....

Making your son your entire world was a great decision. Never second guess it. Save money... that little boy doesn't need nearly as many clothes and toys that you buy him. Keep up on your dental work... it just gets worse. You can't go backwards, don't try to... but you can allow parts of the past to move forward with you. He's not the one for you.... but keep him around.. he's important. Focus and do your job when you're at work.. that 4 year old boy needs you to be employed. Seriously, cleaning your house is not the end of the world.. stop being so damn lazy!


  1. Hello Sweet Girl,

    What a wonderful exercise. I should try it sometime - although if I did I doubt I would be so kind to myself!

    I do hope some day you will allow someone inside that wall of yours. You have a wonderful heart and you deserve to share it with someone worthy of your love.


  2. Thanks K =)if you ever decide to do one, I'd love to read it.


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