Monday, May 24, 2010

What I Learned This Weekend...

This weekend I learned:

-That I am just raising the male version of myself. This little boy has my attitude, stubbornness and silly sense of humor down to a tee... Mini-Me continues to challenge (and entertain) me on a daily basis. 

-Painting outside on a windy day when your house is surrounded by trees is a BAD idea.

-Paint colors never look exactly the way they do on those little cards in the store.

-Going to a movie at noon automatically means popcorn and candy for lunch.

-Having family as neighbors isn't always a great idea.

-Apparently there are a few reasons having a man around the house would be good for. But not nearly enough reasons to make me ever do that. 

-Drew's daycare thinks I'm rich. I will be paying an additional $80 a month this summer on top of the higher rate I was already expecting to pay.... looks like buying new furniture will be put off a bit.

-Everything that's "mine" is also Drew's... even ice cream..... I'll never be used to sharing my ice cream.

-I have 28 sweater/ sweat shirts... I live in So Cal, why in the world do I need that many??

*Hope you all had a great weekend!! 


  1. haha, this is such a cute post! :)
    you are a wonderful momma!!

  2. Fun had me cracking up!

    popcorn & candy sounds really good right now.


Thanks for stopping by!!