Thursday, August 26, 2010

Photos & Pajamas

This weekend I decided to finally put some pictures back up on the walls in the house. Since the remodel began (back in April) the only pictures that have been out were the ones on shelfs or the entertainment center. 

This was a HUGE project... because I have a slight obsession with pictures of my child. Before the remodel there were over 200 pictures of Drew on the walls of our house (we have a small 2 bedroom house..)

Just the few that I picked for the dining room and my room...

I knew I wanted most of the pictures to go back up... not all, only because I plan to take more before the years over. But there was a problem... the remodel isn't done yet. The only rooms "done" are my room and the dining room, so those are the ones I put pictures up in. The dining room has a collage of different frame colors and sizes... and for my room, I painted all the frames I chose a dark brown and tried to put them up in a semi-orderly fashion (however, i failed to take any pictures of the end results).

Having those pictures up makes me feel SOOOO much more at home. I missed seeing my baby up on the walls. 

And Tuesday my mom delivered my new (her old) furniture to my house. Still trying to decide if I'm going to cover it or not since I HATE leather... so I'll post pics once it's all situated and final. She also delivered Drew's new pajamas that she made for him. I love how talented my mom is with a sewing machine. And Drew was more than ready to model them for me. 

Sneak peak of the "new" furniture

1 comment:

  1. I agree having pictures on the wall makes a home feel like home! I love the furniture too. I know when I go to print pictures out people close by are like seriously 100 pictures? lol We can't help it we just love our kids!

    Have a great weekend!


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