Monday, September 20, 2010

What is bound to be the LONGEST week EVER...

After having done some MAJOR over-spending this weekend (baseball gear, Grandma's birthday, baby shower, new clothes for Drew and... stuff) I've decided to attempt to cut my self off...from ALL spending... for a WEEK (ok it'll actually be 5 days since Saturday is my grocery shopping day).

*This will not include the purchase of gas ($20)... gotta get to and from work some how*

I'm normally pretty good with my money. I absolutely LOVE to shop.. but I'm fully aware of every cent in my bank account and where it's already been alloted to. But I've noticed a pattern recently of spending unnecessarily. And since we're already working with a very strict budget, my little shopping trips need to stop. 

Drew has enough clothes to fully cloth 62 kids... at the same time!! (Let's not talk about my closet... )

Our house has enough... MORE THAN ENOUGH... stuff. 

Our freezer, fridge and cupboards are all full.. some overflowing.

So one week it is. 

We will not be eating out. No new toys, books or baseball gloves. The thrift store is COMPLETELY off limits. Wal-mart & Target do not exist. 

My debit card is being left at home and I'll only carry a credit card (just in case of emergences) because I absolutely HATE using my credit card for anything. 

And since our kitchen really is fully stocked, I might try to get through the weekend as well, without any spending. 

So there you have it... my goal for the week. If I don't post again by next Monday you will know that died from lack of spending... and that shopping really is necessary. 

Wish me luck!!


  1. You can do it gorl...sometimes a challege is fun it will make the week interesting. I need to take a break from spending too.

  2. I hear ya. I did a little too much spending this weekend as well.

    Sometimes I try to make a game out of how many meals I can get out of my pantry without going to the store. Kind of lame, but it encourages me to use what I've got.


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