Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Current Tid-Bits of Drew

* last week Drew told me I need a hobby, so I asked him what hobby meant (we have a rule that he's not allowed to say something unless he knows what it means). He admitted that he didn't know, so I explained that a hobby is something you do in your free time that you really enjoy. So he say "nevermind Mom, you already have a hobby, ME."  ....he's a keeper for sure

*this child is lactose intolerant just like his mother... but has a "need" for ice cream on a daily basis...hmmmmm, wonder where he gets that from... 

*Drew knows how much I miss him being a baby, and the cute little baby things he used to do, so when he wants me to pick him up and hold him sometimes (he's almost 7) he'll say "Mommy, I want to hold you".... just like he did as a toddler.... and I must admit, it works every time

*last night while playing Monopoly Drew landed on one of the transport squares and I asked him if he was going to buy it. He said "no, you already own one of them and I know how KARMA works"... What in the world have I done to this poor child?.... lol


  1. He is so cute! I love what he said about how he's your hobby. Adorable!

  2. HA! He is certainly a keeper! :)

  3. I absolutely LOVE the rule that he can't say anything he doesn't know :)- Lol
    Oooo...and the picking up thing...i know EXACTLY how that goes. My kids are 6 & 7 and sometimes want to be held too. WTF?!! These kids are almost as big as me. F.U.N.N.Y.

  4. My kids totally think they are my hobby & my job.

  5. Hey your rule about not saying it unless you know what it means is like our rule, you cant touch it unless you know what it is. lol! Super cute! My daughter is 7 and she has been in a pick me up, put me in the cart, i wanna ride in the stroller kinda mood. Growing up is hard! ;

  6. That karma comment is too funny!


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