Friday, July 23, 2010

Finally Friday

While I am EXTREMELY thankful to have my job..... 
I am also OH SO thankful when the weekend finally rolls around. 

The little monster will be gone camping with his dad and their whole family for the weekend.... which sucks for me since I'll miss my monster like crazy.... 

But the weather is supposed to be gorgeous and there is plenty to do around the house.

With the remodel still in process our house is a complete disaster. My dining room table was just put BACK into the dining room after having spent the last month in the living room... fun times! Everything in the living room is covered in a few inches of dust since they can't seem to decide which room they want to work on each day, so they kinda start in one room and end up in another by the end of the day. The window in the bathroom was removed and the wall was patched up, but not completed, so there's a giant plastic sheet coving the plaster so it doesn't get soaked during showers. The ceiling in the living room is supposed to be started soon, so I've been advised to remove everything from the room that I don't want covered in paint and plaster.... ummm that would be EVERYTHING. And my house is already tiny, so there's not much room to move said furniture to. 

Tomorrow I plan to get up early as always, and get all my errands done before it gets hot. Then head home and get started on some of that cleaning and rearranging, before heading out to the pool in my continued effort to get as dark as possible. Ok, it's not really intentional, but I sure do LOVE laying out by the pool.... especially alone, with a good book or the radio blasting. 

And there's a slight chance that I'll be adding a new tattoo to the collection on my body at some point this weekend. There's one I've been meaning to get for about 10 years.... and the other I just came up with last week. I will fully admit that this isn't the greatest decision financially.... but.. well... I want another one!

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