Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Thing I Do Best...

*During a ride in the car this weekend, Drew randomly asked me "Mom, what do you think I'm the best at?"... I thought for a moment, thinking he was hoping I would say video games, but I responded with "well, you're great at baseball, and you play video games pretty well"... at which point he completely melted my heart and said, "ya I'm good at those, but the thing I do best is LOVING YOU..." Seriously, I almost cried!! My little sweet heart... I sure do love that kid. 

*We had a pretty calm weekend... even though it was about 800 degrees all day every day... 

but Friday the electricity went out on our street (lucky us!!) probably because everyone and their mother was running their air conditioning and every fan in their homes trying to survive this freakin heat. So we headed to the mall to enjoy some free AC and have dinner. And surprisingly all I spent was $6... for the entire 2 hours we were there... and that $6 was spent on dinner!

*Saturday morning we ran a few errands then headed home and went straight to the pool. We spent a few hours out there with Drew's aunt, uncle and cousin, then went home to take a nap before going to the Angel game that night. One of my girlfriends gave us her season tickets for that night and they were giving out a jersey to all the kids that night so it seemed like a win-win situation for us..... until we got there and I realized we'd be sitting in the sun for about 80% of the game. The game started at 6:00pm and it was 92 degrees.... we only lasted 2 innings before we left. I was seriously melting.. dripping sweat...  yuck!! 

*Sunday we headed to the beach bright and early. I always want to get to beach as early as possible to get a good spot and avoid traffic. It was already 81 degrees outside when we left our house at 9:00am so we were prepared for a long hot day. But when we got the beach it was about 70 degrees and the sky was covered with clouds... we played for a couple hours, walked around the shops a bit and had lunch, then decided that it was too cold, so we headed home and back to the heat... and the pool. 

It was a hot, but pretty enjoyable weekend... 


Thanks for stopping by!!