Monday, July 26, 2010

Fresh Foods Stress Me Out

As I've recently admitted to discovered, I have some weird and pretty irrational (at times) fears about pretty much everything.... and this morning I discovered my fear of fresh foods (veggies, fruit, meat..ect). 

I'm not a big fan of cooking... actually, I should say, I'm not GOOD at cooking. I'd like to be, sure wish I was... but I'm just not. Cooking requires talent and patience.. neither of which I posses. But I've been trying to do it more because I am so sick of processed food. I'd rather just skip a meal than make something that came in a box. So on this weekends trip to the grocery store I decided to load up on the real stuff... 

And so far there have been 2 mild panic attacks over this food.

Saturday night I had no plans, so I started marinating chicken in the afternoon and was prepared to make some kabobs for myself. Then around 3:30 a friend calls and invites me to come over that night. **The panic starts** In my head I'm thinking "how in the world can I go anywhere, I have chicken waiting to cook, I don't know how long it can marinate before it needs to be used, I don't want to waste this FRESH stuff I just bought, but I haven't seen this friend in a couple weeks, is it weird for me to stay home on a Saturday night because of chicken, should I tell her my dilemma, should I just eat before I go over?"

*I decided to just stay home. Pathetic, I know... but my pulse was racing and I was starting to sweat...seriously. 

And then this morning episode number 2 happens... 
I wanted to bring a bowl of fruit to work for a snack. Seems like a simple concept I'm sure... but not for me. I have strawberries, bananas, 1 peach, pineapple and grapes laying out on the counter... **The panic starts** "which fruits should I chose, there's only one peach so do I use it for this or save it for later, should I just make a smoothie instead, what if the pineapple juice makes the bananas soggy, should I make extra so Drew can have some with dinner?"

*I decided not to use the peach because I might want it later... and used a minimal amount of the pineapple..and didn't make any extra because I didn't want it to get yucky before we got home. 

And as I sit here at work, I am now trying to avoid panic number 3.... 

I bought boneless ribs (which I've never made in my life) this weekend and thought they'd be good for dinner tonight. Not sure of how to cook them, I decided to throw them in the crock-pot with some BBQ sauce and leave it on low. **trying to avoid the panic... but** "is 9 hours too long to leave them in for, what if they're burnt then what will we eat, are they going to turn out weird because they haven't been flipped over all day, was there enough sauce, what if Drew doesn't like that sauce?"

These are seriously the thoughts that are going through my head... about FOOD!! I may be sick of eating the processed crap, but at least it's not giving me a freakin' panic attack. 

ANY suggestions of how NOT to freak out about food would be greatly appreciated.... otherwise we're probably going to move in to McDonalds....

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