Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Looking for the Pause Button....

I need to vent.... what a surprise, I know... 

There are a few things going on in our lives.... and a few in my head... that require decisions... major, life altering decisions (and I completely dread making even the smallest or simplest decision, like what's for dinner)... and a few things that I have no control over, which of course is horrible... 

-The elementary school that Drew has been going to for the last 2 years is in a different city and "Zone" than the one we live in... which requires me to request a transfer each year...well with all the lovely budget cuts this last year, his current school is now over crowded and they are not accepting any transfer students for the upcoming school year... BIG PROBLEM... so now I have to find a new school and probably a new daycare for Drew. I refuse to send him to a school in our district because they're just nasty (seriously, I'm not just being a snobby picky Mom), I've looked at private schools but I'll be in debt for the rest of my life if he goes there, moving into the district of his current school would require us to leave the only home he's ever know, our HOUSE next to my grandparents, to move into a tiny 1 bedroom apartment that we'll barely be able to afford. School is scheduled to start August 9th so I'm pretty stressed out about this.... 

-I've been looking into getting my tubes tied for the past year or so. I'm 28 years old and Drew is almost 7. I think the age gap between him and a sibling would just be too big at this point, and there's not exactly a man around to contribute to "baby making" process right now anyways. ( I asked his dad if he would "donate" so that at least our kids would have the same parents, he said he doubted his girlfriend would be ok with that... whatever, fine..be selfish) And I honestly don't want to be OLD when I have my next child. I know people a lot older than I am have kids every day, but I already feel like I'm 40 sometimes.. so it's a little late for me. Last Friday I finally went into the doctor for a consult, and he approved me.... which then made me completely nervous because now there was nothing standing in the way of having it done. The procedure I'm scheduled for is not the traditional surgery of having your tubes tied.. it's called Essure and it's done in the doctors office without having to be put under. They're supposed to call me this week to schedule the appointment.... but now I'm not so sure I'm ready for it.... 

-For the last month I have been feeling pressure and sometimes pain in both of my ears. I just figured it would go away eventually, but it was feeling worse last week so I went to the doctor. She was really surprised that I wasn't running a fever or having other symptoms because she said it seems I have a bacterial infection and middle ear infections in both of my ears, and there are sores in my throat from the infection. I haven't felt any pain in my throat at all, but I looked and they sure are there. After being on the medication for 5 days now, there hasn't been any change so I have to back tomorrow.. Great!

-The list of dental work I need done is IMMENSELY long... and expensive. I keep putting it off because my insurance covers so little and I've already used it all up this year, and my money keeps finding other things to be spent on. But yesterday one of my back teeth cracked and a little piece came off.... YUCK.. so now I don't have a choice and have to see the dentist ASAP to fix it. Hope my Visa card is ready... 

-My car is in need of repair. The windows have decided not to work anymore, and after replacing the window motor, nothings changed. And it makes some funky noise some times so I'm sure it could use a tune up or something else costly.... 

-And because life wouldn't be the same without some issue at work.... the air conditioner at work isn't working properly.... and hasn't for the last 3 years. They keep sending different people out to look at it, but I think looking is all that they're doing.. no one seems to be able to fix it. It's been about 83 degrees in there every day... YUCK
Here's my proof... that I also emailed corporate =)


  1. Jesus...that is not fun! None of that list is. :( But maybe it will make you laugh my post for today that i am in the middle of writing was titled "can you find my reset button?" apparently we both have buttons on the brain. :) Hope your day gets a bit better.

  2. Aww.. thanks Lilly! Can't wait to read it =)


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