Tuesday, February 22, 2011

7 Year Olds Should Never Need An Ultrasound

Yesterday was a LONG day. It was a day of confusion, studpitity, sympathy, fear, pain, love, compassion, karma and guilt.

It began with a hangover from afternoon drinks with the cousins on Sunday. I never drink. And I was quickly reminded why.

Then I spent 3 hours in a place I never should have been... with a person that should have remained in my past... doing things.. that well, I guess I don't entirely regret. 

I received a call around 11:00 from Drew's dad saying that Drew was sick: fever, vomiting and stomach pain. He said he was going to take him to urgent care and call me with an update. 

He thought I was at work.

After he called a few times to get Drew's insurance info from me, he finally called me with news that literally brought me to my knees. The doctor at urgent care said Drew needed to be taken to the emergency room ASAP for a possible appendicitis. They called and ambulance, but his dad didn't wait around for it. He picked up our baby boy and drove him to the closest ER.

I left immediately to meet them at the hospital. I cried the whole way there. My son was in pain.. and I wasn't there. My son needed me.. and I wasn't there. I have a clear understanding of how a person can literally die of guilt. 

We spent 5 hours in the hospital yesterday. About 20 people came in and poked at his stomach. They drew blood. And I cried again. Finally they did an ultrasound... and we waited. Drew was tired and thirsty. He laid in my arms for a few hours, then eventually moved to the bed. His skin was so hot. 

The ultrasound was inconclusive. 

But Drew was doing better. The pain was minimal and he had an appetite. The doctor advised us to take him home, and just keep a close eye on him and bring him back if the pain came back. Drew was begging to go home... so we did. 

When we got home he ate one cracker and took a sip of gatorade and passed out. His temperature was up  and down all night. He woke up around 8, had a few bites of soup, and went right back to sleep. We survived the night. 

He woke up this morning still not feeling great. He said his stomach is fine, but he just feels yucky. I'll take yucky over an appendicitis any day.

Yesterday was a LONG day. I hated seeing my son in pain and not being able to fix it. 

Yesterday the 3 of us were alone in a room for 5 hours. Drew, his dad and I. That has never happened. I wish none of us were there... but that time together was good for us. I saw a side of his dad that I've never seen. I let him be in control.... and when it comes to my son, I am ALWAYS in control. But yesterday he took care of us. The 3 of us. 

When we left the hospital, Drew's dad went to the store to get Drew some juice and crackers then he came to the house. Again the 3 of us were alone together. Sitting on the couch watching cartoons.

The 3 of us are not a family. But we are Drew's family. And although yesterday was a LONG day... some good things came from it. 


  1. oh hun, i'm so sorry to hear your little guy is sick.
    i'm glad you and drew's dad could all be together to make drew feel comfortable.
    i hope drew is feeling much better soon.

  2. Oh girlie - that is scary. They're our babies - but it was good that you were both there for your son.

    Hope he gets well soon. Bless his heart.

  3. I will be praying for him!

  4. This post definitely tugged on my heart. I'm glad he's feeling better, but I'll make sure to pray for your son tonight. I'm glad you guys are able to be a family for him.



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