Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm Not A Girl.. Not Yet A Woman (or Mother)

This morning I realized that I have 3 months left until I turn 29..... 


How in the world did that happen?? I'm not old enough to be 29!! That's WAY too close to 30... and 30 has always been the official "Grown up/Adult" age in my head. 

I started thinking about how in so many ways I'm still only 22... or maybe even 19 at times:

-Paying for health insurance and car insurance still baffles me on a monthly basis. Shouldn't my mom be handling all that? Don't even get me started on the fact that I have a 401k.

-I am scared to death of being home alone at night. My plug in air freshener doubles as a night light. 

-I still look at my son with pure confusion at times when he calls me MOM.... how in the world am I old enough to be someones mother?

-Recently someone asked me if I have a will. Excuse me? Only old people have wills. 

-My refrigerator contains 9 different beverages, cheese, eggs and butter. That is hardly the refrigerator of a grown up. 

-I still know which outfits to wear to the mechanic or Home Depot to get the best service and lowest price. 

And then there are the millions of reasons why I've got to be at least 40... or some other Grown Up age:

-There is a first aid kit, extra clothes, and food in our car at all times.... just in case. 

-My bills are all paid on time, if not earlier.

-8:00pm is bed time. 7:30 if get Drew into bed without seeing any of the clocks. 

-Routine and structure are HUGE in my house. 

-I have a 7 year old son!! 

-My planner consists of the dates of Drew's basketball games, doctors appointments, Tupperware parties, and when each bill is due. Not a single "date" listed... ever.

-The thought of going to Vegas for my cousins 21st birthday exhausts me. Alcohol, high heels, men, dancing.... and no bed time. Not even slightly imaginable. 

-There are band aids, cough drops, crayons, wipes, candy and small tools in my purse. 

So which one is it? Am I really a freakin' adult??? Or is it at all possible that I'm still a YOUNG woman? 
I guess as long as I'm still technically "in my 20's" I'll be ok.... but next year, I'm throwing in the towel.. and investing in a wheel chair.

1 comment:

  1. I think I feel the same way. I may have to do a post like this, as my 27th is right around the corner.


Thanks for stopping by!!