Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Own Bestfriend

Right now there's something on my mind... and heart. It's been there for the past 7 1/2 years. It's a topic that I can analyze for hours on end... and often do.

And it's something that I only feel comfortable "discussing" with myself.

No, I don't just sit here and talk to myself... that's a little much for me. But I think about it... I analyze it.. my mind has these back and forth conversations.

I have a few select girl friends. I have friends that are really just the mom's of Drew's friends... I have friends I met during middle school and high school.. friends I used to work with. And there are certain things that I feel more comfortable talking to one of them about than the others, and vice versa. 

But this topic.. subject.. issue.... whatever it is... this one is all mine. I'm the only one who knows the WHOLE truth... well, my side of it.... I'm the only person that I'm willing to be 100% truthful with about it. 

I'm never really a big fan of other peoples thoughts, feelings or opinions when it comes to MY life. I admit, I may not have all the answer to even my own issues.... but I highly doubt anyone else does either. 

It's not a problem that has a solution. It's very open ended. I think this is another reason I keep this one to myself. This issue has opportunity, possibility, potential... both good, and bad.... 

So when it comes it this, I am my own best friend. I'll give myself my own advice. I'll listen to my own venting of the frustration. I won't figure it out.... I won't settle it... but I'll be there for myself... for my heart... 

1 comment:

  1. Great way to think. So often, women get into the SATC mentality, thinking that great girlfriends will spew endless amounts of great advice and be the strength they lack. While girlfriends are a great secondary source for support, they can't do much without you being strong in yourself.

    I liked this. A lot.


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