Monday, March 7, 2011

Science Fair Frustration

The love of my life has his first science fair coming up. He's in 2nd grade so the schools expectations aren't too high... however, unfortunately for Drew, Mama expects a blue ribbon.

I happen to be the proud owner of a bright blue 1st place science fair winner from the 6th grade. Yep, I was a genius!.. sort of.

But we have a problem.. or actually I have a problem. Drew chose the simplest, easiest, BORIEST project ever! 

*I honestly get that this is HIS project and he should do whatever one he wants... and I've fully supported him and helped through the whole process... but it's MY blog and I'm venting... deal with it.

How much salt does it take to float an egg?

I can't believe this was even a freakin' choice! My child is very into science stuff right now. He's saving his money to buy a kit that let's you build your own radio. He's a smart and talented boy. So why in the world did he pick this???

Because it was the first choice listed. 

Drew is a very determined and stubborn child (no clue where he gets that.... ). So as soon as he read it, he decided that's the one he wanted to do. Then proceed to read the other 2 pages of choices, and stayed focused on his first choice. 

Why can't we just make a volcano or something with electricity?

This week we'll be putting everything together for his display board and he'll be typing out his report. At this point I've decided that maybe if we make a super fancy display board that he'll win just because it looks cool.... even if the project is LAME... yes, I'm desperate. 

Worse case scenario, I'll be buying him his own blue ribbon. 

*And in the interest of being fair.... my 6th grade BLUE RIBBON WINNING science project? Which evaporates faster, salt water or tap water?

Yeah.... I know... but I got the freakin' ribbon!!

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