Friday, March 18, 2011

Randomness of the Week

1. I really do have the best of intentions when it comes to meal planning. However... I suck at it. The planning part is pretty easy.. it's the follow through and actually EATING the specified meals that I suck at. Maybe the planning part is only easy because I'm obviously doing it wrong.... 

2. Really wish I didn't start work until 8:30. I've been late every day this week because I'm just WAY too comfortable in bed to get up. 

3. Seeing that a parent OBVIOUSLY did 90% of their child's science project disgusts me. It's the kids assignment.. not yours!!

4. I LOVE traditions. Even the simplest ones. Every year my Aunt makes a traditional St. Patricks meal and invites us over. We're not even Irish, she just loves doing it. And I love knowing exactly where I'll be eating every March 17th.

5. Wood floors show WAY more dirt and dust than carpets do. I begged to have my wood floors put in. Now that I have to sweep & mop CONSTANTLY I am seriously regretting it.  *PS, Chihuahuas shed excessively!! 

6. I am BEYOND ready for summer. This cold spring weather is pitiful. I need constant sunshine, temperatures in the high 80's, and weekly trips to the beach!!! Hurry up Summer!!

7. I have a BAD habit of wanting something I can't (shouldn't) have, getting it (or having the opportunity of getting it), and then not wanting it any more. Never satisfied... story of my life. 

8. I need to win the lottery... badly. 

9. Having a dysfunctional (extended) family is exhausting. If we had our own reality show we'd be billionaires in days. 

10. This weekend Drew will be at his dad's. I have absolutely ZERO plans. There are things I can get done around the house and of course a trip to the store is needed, but I have 73 hours with ZERO obligations. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a parent (except to my pups) and i TOTALLY agree on the moms/dads who do their kids HW. REALLY??? Your kid is how old??? You think they're expected to be perfect? Or those are just your expectations on how they appear to everyone else. Talk about never letting your child learn for him/herself.


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