Monday, March 28, 2011

This Weekend I Learned

This weekend I learned:

1. Drew's weak/sensitive stomach will lead to me cleaning vomit from 4 rooms in the house in under 3 minutes. 

2. My sister thinks I'm bipolar.
    I think my sister's bipolar.
    The fact the we both honestly believe this about each other kept us laughing for hours.

3. Drew talks ... A LOT. But only to me. When we are together he absolutely CAN NOT stay quiet for more than 60 seconds.

4. Cooking requires the use of dishes. Dishes do not clean themselves. 

5. There are some things on Youtube that just shouldn't exist. There are also some videos that will keep you entertained for hours.

6. My itty bitty kid who can explain scientific facts, play chess, name every player for the Miami Dolphins, and name a bunch of presidents, really is only 7... and itty bitty. Just because he talks like he's 10, doesn't mean he won't get scared.

7. Loving someone isn't enough. 

8. My son has no concept of money... unless it's his. 

9. I am BEYOND ready for summer. When I saw that it was supposed to be in the 80's this Thursday I started to shake. I started planning my excuse for calling in sick and heading straight to the beach.

10. When you are in a room of women who are discussing their weight loss achievements and goals, you will get dirty looks as you help yourself to another slice of cheesecake.

1 comment:

  1. been cleaning up bodily fluids for days now. YUCKY, YUCK, YUCK, EWWW.

    Right about now I could go for some cheesecake.


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