Monday, March 15, 2010

525,600 Minutes...

This weekend was a good weekend...

Drew had opening day for T-ball Saturday morning, and then a game after the ceremonies, so we spent most of the day at the ball park...
First time up to bat

running to first base

waiting at 1st while Dad pitches

Drew, Nate & Miranda

Drew had a great time at the game and absolutely loved it.... 
He was up to bat twice and each time he hit the ball without having to use the tee and ran as fast as his little legs would carry him... 
I had a great time out there too...
It's our first experience with an organized sport like this, and so far we're loving it. 
It was hard for me to stay in my seat though...
I kept getting as close as possible to take pictures and had to stand up and yell and cheer for my baby as often as possible. 
Technically, they don't keep score for T-ball... but we WON!!! Go Angels!!

Then on Sunday
our family had a girls day out... 
Drew went to Disneyland with his dad,
while my mom, sister, 3 cousins, 2 aunts and grandma all went to see a performance of RENT.
First we had brunch at my aunt's house out by the pool, then headed to the theater.

Aunt Dena, Mom, Aunt Doreen, Sister, Amanda
Grandma & Jordan & Shakespeare

I had never seen a performance of RENT and I barely watched 5 minutes of the DVD because I just wasn't getting it at all.. and honestly it just seemed a little weird to me... 

But the show was great. We had so much fun.. laughed hysterically, shed some tears... and really enjoyed the whole thing.

Me, Mom & Sister
After the show we walked around a bit and then went to dinner. 
It was a great day spent with my amazing family..... 

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