Tuesday, March 30, 2010

President Mommy

As if I might ever need another reason to love my little munchkin more... 

Last night Drew gave me another one.. 

While we're laying in our my bed watching HOUSE and getting ready to get some sleep, Drew asks "what do you need to do to become president?"...

I have no clue where this question came from... but I went with it.. 

"You have to tell the people of the United States that you want to be president, and then whoever gets the most votes win."

Totally did not see the need to explain the technical presidential candidate process.... along with the fact that I can't honestly say that I know what it is.. Lol 

So my little angel thinks about it for a second and says, "I think you would win Mom, because we have a big family and they would all vote for you.... and I would definitely vote for you."

Mommy for President... with Drew as my official campaign manager

XOXO love that sweet kid of mine....


Thanks for stopping by!!