Thursday, April 22, 2010

The "Marriage Isn't For Me" List

I decided to make a list of all the reasons Marriage Isn't For Me...
I am not anti-marriage.. I believe to each their own.. this is just for ME... 
So here we have it, so far.... 
In no particular order:

  1. I don’t like to share... anything... EVER.
  2. I could never bring myself to clean up after a grown man.
  3. I have drastic mood swings that no man is strong/brave enough to deal with.
  4. Everything always has to be my way… however; if you always let me have my way I will walk all over you… and I don’t have patience for a man that lacks a back bone and his own opinions.
  5. The word compromise is not in my vocabulary.
  6. I am the biggest hypocrite you will ever encounter.
  7. I like knowing that my home will always be exactly the way Drew & I left it when we get home.
  8. My crazy family is the only family I have the patience for.
  9. I hate sharing a bed with anyone other than my son.
  10. The thought of “checking in” or letting anyone know where I’m going or when I’ll be home makes me physically ill.
  11. Taking anyone’s (other than Drew) feelings into consideration seems next to impossible… and very undesirable.
  12. Being financially dependent on anyone for anything would drive me insane.
  13. The thought of having anyone live with Drew and I is purely unimaginable.
  14. My life is run by my child… completely.. No man in his right mind would be happy living with this… and I refuse to marry a crazy person.
  15. My clothes take up both closets and all the drawers in my room… So realistically, I don’t have room in my house for a husband.
...To Be Continued... 

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