Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Note To Self:

1. Unless you put coffee grounds in it, that little machine in the kitchen only makes HOT WATER... for some reason that filter thingy doesn't just fill itself... (remind me again why I gave up Starbucks??)

2. That annoying repetitive sound in the morning is your ALARM... you set it... and for a good reason.. Get UP when it goes off and stop making excuses to squeeze in an extra 5 minutes of sleep. Who knows, you may even walk into the office ON TIME for once... 

3. If you can't even find time in your/Drew's busy schedule to make it to the Gyno to get your tubes tied... you definitely don't have time to have another baby... 

4. How do you have no back bone or voice when it comes to strangers... but no hesitation when it comes to your own crazy family and their opinions? 


  1. HA! the coffee one is so funny! that totally sounds like something i'd do :)

  2. lol I love this post... Too relatable for me.


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