Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Double Blogs?

I've been debating this for at least a couple months now....

Should I have 2 blogs... 2 completely separate and un-linked blogs?

Let me explain my dilemma a little further...

There are 2 sides to me. I truly am a Gemini at heart (don't believe in the whole astrological thing, but it does amuse me... hence the Gemini tattoo on my back.. ). 
There's the main me.. the MOM me.. Drew's Mom. The woman whose ENTIRE world revolves around her son. The side of me that loves baking cookies with my baby boy or listening to him rattle off football facts that I'll never understand. The side of me who can't take enough pictures of my adorable seven year old... the side whose arms literally ache at night when he's not here laying next to me.

And then there's that other side... 
The side that rarely creeps out. The side that only exists or even attempts to come out, when Drew is at his dad's. I'm not really sure what to call this side.... and since this blog is about Drew and I, our life.. our family.. I just don't feel right about writing things "not of a family nature" on here. But there are things I want to write.. want to share.. about my life. I have thoughts, opinions, and some interesting experiences that I want to get out.

So I'm thinking of opening a separate blog... just haven't decided for sure yet. Maybe some things are best kept hidden... on the other side.. right where they belong.

1 comment:

  1. Some of my Tadpoles have two blogs and it seems to work really well for them because it gives their friends options of reading one or both.

    You can have separate lives - that is completely understandable - just as I can see you wanting two blogs. Just because we are Moms, doesn't stop us from being women and human. Anyone that doesn't think so is...well, stooopid.:)

    Good luck on your decision. You know me - I'll read both. :D


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