Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Few Reason Why I Might Need A Husband

OK, so "Husband" is probably a bit extreme.
The thought of even having a boyfriend makes me nauseas. 
Let's just say here are a few reasons I discovered in the last few days when having an adult male around the house might come in handy. Might... I still have my 3,542 doubts.

Saturday I took my car in for an oil change. Reason #1 where a man would come in handy. While I am perfectly capable of changing the oil myself, I have absolutely zero desire or intention of ever doing so. 

While at said oil change, the moron employees managed to get 3 of my windows STUCK down... absolutely would not move up AT ALL. This lead in to a 4 day ordeal including an EXPENSIVE trip to the Ford dealership, a rental car, several phone calls to the manager of the oil changing morons, missed work, and no car for a day. This is reason #2 where some strong and mechanically inclined male would have come in handy. He could have just fixed the windows for me.

Reason #3 deals with our new appliances. My new fridge, washer and dryer have been available for us to pick up for about 2 weeks... but since I drive a little car, can not possibly lift said appliances alone, and do not have the money to pay someone else to do it, I have to rely on my uncles to help me out. If that strong male were a part of my life he would also definitely have to own a truck. Him and I would be able to handle the appliance issue our selves. But instead I am now at the mercy of my uncle's schedule and just hope I'll have this handled by the weekend.

And last but not least is reason #4. I have a HUGE and heavy entertainment center that is impossible for me to move myself... even a little. When I shampoo my carpets I like to move everything and clean the whole carpeted area... however, since I can't move the huge wooden box in my living room, that area remains uncleaned... and drives me crazy. Also, I want the entertainment center moved to the opposite wall... can't do that alone either. 

My family is great, and my uncles and cousins always help when I ask, but I HATE asking and always feel bad. I'm sure they're all wishing I would just let ANY man move in already so they don't have to be at my beck and call forever. 

Sorry. Ain't gonna happen. 

Because even though all of these reasons are true and legitimate needs.... the ever growing list of why I should never under any circumstances co-habitat with another adult of any gender, is a LONG list.  

So for now I'll go broke paying others to do manly things, and learn to be more patient while waiting for my family to rearrange my furniture. 


  1. Where did you get your appliances that they don't deliver for free [or a nominal fee] with installation?

    I would call them and see what they can do.

  2. So what is it with FORDS and windows/doors? I had an explorer all through college and I loved it, EXCEPT the windows were always getting stuck and refusing to budge. And then my driver door stopped opening. And I got to play the game of always getting in through the passenger door. I'm sure everyone thought I was OCD. It sucked. Not just us, though, I Know LOTS of people with window/door problems on their Ford. Good times.

  3. the best thing about my husband? He is gone 5/7 days during the week.... that way I never get tired of him... haha!

  4. AWWW! Don't worry hunny, your just having a tough week, things will get better on their own! Hang in there!


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