Thursday, January 20, 2011

If I Survive The Day it Will Be A Miracle

Right now... this very instant... my BABY.. my sweet 7 year old big boy... is at school, and getting ready for his 2nd grade field trip..... WITH OUT ME!!!!!! 

Just typing that made my blood pressure raise...  A LOT. 

For kindergarten and 1st grade I went with Drew and his class to both field trips. There was no way under the sun that I was allowing my son out in the scary world, away from the safe haven of his elementary school with out me. It was completely unthinkable. And that was the plan for 2nd grade too. Until last week...

When I went to pick up Drew from school on Friday his teacher tells me they have a field trip planned for next Thursday (today). She tells me where they're going and says "and I assume you'll be coming with us..." (cause you know, I'm THAT Mom.. obsessive, paranoid and overly involved). She then goes on to tell me about 2 more field trips she's planning... Seriously, what class needs to go on 3 field trips? And who gives a weeks notice for an upcoming field trip? This lady needs to get it together. 

Now here's where the dilemma begins. This Monday was a holiday for their school (and everywhere else.. MLK Day.. except my office) so since Drew didn't have school and I don't have a babysitter, I had to call in sick to work to take that day off. Also, let me remind you, I had just called in the previous Monday for a personal day since I had all that car drama going on. My work is pretty good about me taking time off for anything Drew related.. but 3 days in less than 2 weeks? That would just be pushing it. 

So since the field trip was actually just a half day trip... walking field trip.. 3 blocks away from their school... to a place he's been before.... I had to pass on being a chaperone (or protective parent... however you want to word it). And now I'm supposed to sit in my office and be productive? Not even slightly possible. I will sit here until 12 (when they're supposed to be back at school) just staring at my phone and hoping it DOESN'T ring with a call from the school. 

The next field trip is in March... to a place a hour away.. so I will definitely be going to that one. 

Now, back to my phone staring... .

1 comment:

  1. Whatever you do don't sign him up for band in high school.

    They go on overnight trips all the time.
    Oh and you will have to skip Model United Nations [overnight trips] Advanced Biology [overnight trips - NO parents] etc....

    Been through it with all 5 and it IS hard, I understand, but you slowly learn to let go a little at a time and by the time they hit college age you are packing their bags for them. I kid. Sort of.

    Hang in there and if you need someone to chat with on field trip day don't hesitate to come and find me :)

    Hugs to you Momma. It will be okay.


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