Friday, January 14, 2011

Randomness of the Week

Just some tid-bits of our week, since I don't have anything substantial enough to fill up a whole blog... here we go..

*Our rental car this week was a 2010 Hyundai Accent.. which was fine, but it didn't have power windows or locks (I swear I didn't know they even made cars with out power everything anymore). To make matters worse, it made me feel old... ok, so Drew's comment about the car made me feel old. He looked at the handle for the windows and said "Mom, what is this thing for?"... apparently someone is only used to windows that move with the push of a button. 

*I'm a schedule person... big fan pf predictability... I'm also horrible at waiting... this made the process of getting my eyes checked at the doctor (pretty sure both eyes are infected) impossible. Missing work for an appointment was out the question after all the time I missed dealing with my car drama, so I decided I'd squeeze in a stop to urgent care. Well waiting over 45 minutes just wasn't going to work for me.. especially knowing that after waiting there and being seen, I would end up having to stop at the pharmacy for my prescription. So know we're on 2 weeks of infected eyes.... hopefully when I go blind from this crap I'll have time in my busy schedule to see a doctor. 

*Drew is in a Hide & Seek phase. If I leave the room for 3 seconds, he's hiding. At first I gave in and played a long and would look for him. After a week of CONSTANT hiding, I was over it, so I started yelling at him to stop hiding and get do whatever I was asking him to do. We're about a month into it now... and I've completely given up.. now I don't look for him, don't call his name, and don't even bother yelling at him. I just let him stay hidden so I can enjoy a few moments in peace... until he gets bored and comes out. The game is now called Hide & Wait.. haha.. I win!

*Before we had Drew, his dad and I were really good friends (with a side of "more than friends" on random nights). With the birth of our son and his girlfriend moving in with him, our friendship became non-existent. Lately we've both been talking about how much we genuinely miss that friendship (not the random nights part.. no no no). Then we spend a few minutes together in person, the conversation always turns to Drew and we are both reminded while we will never have that friendship again. It's a vicious circle.. but it works for us. 

*There is a man at work who seems to need my help for things he should be doing himself at least twice a day. While this fact itself bothers me, what makes it worse is that he walks into my office and just stands in front of my desk..... just stands there. Doesn't say a word. It doesn't matter if I'm on the phone, reading a book, making a note, or playing on Facebook.. he absolutely does not speak until I ask if he needs something. Are you freaking kidding me??? You obviously came in for a reason, SPEAK UP!! This year I've decided to just ignore him until he speaks. I'm over it. This game will be called Speak or Wait.. haha

*I realized this week that being an adult requires A LOT of phone calls. I hate phone calls. Sure wish I could just TEXT the car insurance company, the car dealership, my doctors office, the bank, Drew's school, my office, Wal-Mart, my health insurance provider, and 78 year old grandparents... 

Happy Friday!


  1. Hide and Wait. I love it - I love[d] to play that with our kids - even if most of them don't live here anymore or the youngest IS 13. It is heck of a lot of fun.

    Why don' you try hiding instead. Hide well enough and you can still get a couple of minutes of peace. heehee

    Hope next week is better.

  2. my first car was a 96 hyundai accent -- that is hilarious that they STILL don't have power locks/windows and that your son didn't know how to operate them because of that... haha!! love it

  3. I wish I could just text those types of calls too! Life would just be so much easier!


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