Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Growing in Red

To my complete surprise and utter amazement... my little monster is actually growing. 
Drew has always been an itty bitty teeny tiny boy.. and I LOVE it. He is currently 7 years old, 41 inches tall and weighs 40 pounds. According to his doctor, Drew is the size of your average 5 year old. 

But in the last few weeks this munchkin has been growing. He's gone up a shoe size and a size in jeans. Which required me to do so shopping this weekend. The shoes has already been taken care of the previous week.... so this time I was on a mission for jeans. First I hit the thrift stores. I LOVE the thrift stores in our area. I always find great deals on things we want need. I found 3 pairs of jeans for Drew and a pair of shorts and paid $12 total.. SCORE!! The jeans were Old Navy and Levi brands. And the shorts were Hurley. 

And on my last stop I found something that I knew would make my midget man smile. Red Levi Skinny Jeans. This boy LOVES red

In all honesty, I am not a fan of the skinny jean craze amongst boys. On girls they look great... but boys, not so much. But they're RED.. and since my baby is so small, they just look like regular jeans on him anyways... so I had to buy them. 

This picture (of horrible quality) was taken yesterday morning before school. I wish I would have taken one of the outfit he wanted to wear.... his ORANGE Dolphins jersey with his RED jeans.... sorry kid, not gonna happen on my watch. 


  1. I don't see the problem with red and orange on a kid his age - I bet it would've been adorable. I mean you DID put him in RED pants.

    He is a cutie, for sure.


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